Alhamdulillah...after submitted my thesis on 1st September, I am still in UK when all of my other friends were happily travelling to other countries and some of them were already went back to Malaysia -_-"
but as for me, as I still have my viva waiting for me but Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah, I am done with my viva yesterday ^_^v I'm free!!!~~ hehe

with that, I am officially a Master graduate...Alhamdulillah ^_^'
the viva session was divided into 3 groups and 7 sessions...since my class only consists of 21 people, so for each session, there are only 3 people will sit for their viva according to the group...the earliest session start at 11.30am and the last session ends at 3pm...each session took only 30 minutes
mine was allocated at 12pm with group A and the examiners was not mentioned at all beforehand! pfftt~ but the course coordinator already gave 3 names that will be the internal examiners for the viva which I am familiar with since all of them taught me at least 1 subject...but there is particularly 1 examiner which I dont prefer to get her as my examiner coz she is quite strict! after all, I didnt get her and review from my bestie (coz she got her), she isn't that strict! haha...pfftt~~ so back to my examiner, I got Steve Franks and another external examiner which is from Nottingham University, I forgot his name eventhough I already ask him before I leave the room...sighh~~ -_-'
the session starts with light questions about why I choose this course at the first place and what I am gonna do after this...and then it starts slowly by questioning me on my results and one section in the introduction and one section in the materials and far I can say that I am quite comfortable during my viva and I am enjoying myself talking and explaining to them about my my supervisor said that if you know and enthusiastic about your project, no need to worry coz it will flow naturally during viva...and it does! Alhamdulillah ^_^v
I havent get the result yet...hehe...dont even know when we are going to get our result...however, I am praying for the best! InsyaAllah...ameen~

gonna miss them~ -_-'
p/s: Tomorrow is Malaysian Night yo! cant wait for it.... :D
ReplyDeleteI am starting a Master's programme at Imperial this October. I am thinking about going to Wood Lane Studios. I'm a bit sceptical because of some reviews I have read, but your post was comforting as you seemed to have loved it there. Which block did you live on? and what type of room did you have? Any other tips you would offer for living there?
Hai there. I lived in block B. I loved it there since its very clean, friendly staffs and complete everything that you need including washing machine and dryer. There are lots of type of rooms that they offer but all of them are the same actually and just differ in the size of the room. I went for silver room since when I apply, there is none smaller room avail so I need to go for silver. Bronze room is the cheapest. Every room complete with kitchen and bathroom. They even have gym if you like to but you need to attend the orientation when they announced it, you need to register. No tips needed but right now there I s a contruction being conducted just beside wood lane Studio. So it would cause a bit of noise. Besides that, everything was so enjoyable. Oh btw welcome to UK and sorry for the late reply. :)
DeleteHai there. I lived in block B. I loved it there since its very clean, friendly staffs and complete everything that you need including washing machine and dryer. There are lots of type of rooms that they offer but all of them are the same actually and just differ in the size of the room. I went for silver room since when I apply, there is none smaller room avail so I need to go for silver. Bronze room is the cheapest. Every room complete with kitchen and bathroom. They even have gym if you like to but you need to attend the orientation when they announced it, you need to register. No tips needed but right now there I s a contruction being conducted just beside wood lane Studio. So it would cause a bit of noise. Besides that, everything was so enjoyable. Oh btw welcome to UK and sorry for the late reply. :)